No, this is not the owner of the blog. In case you were wondering larr. 'Cause some people is just so blur. This is a sesat-ed girl who apparently found her way to this blog. Lalala~ So, I just had my lunch. Two burgers and a cup of apple juice. And a bar of Kinder Bueno. Hmm. Now, I feel like eating ice cream. Be right back. *runs to fridge*
I'm back. Pistachio ice cream rocks. So, anyway. I am given permission by the owner of this blog (Thanks, Kam!) to blog because apparently, he has no idea what to blog anymore. So, since my blog is like full of crap, I have decided to crap here instead.
This is from the girls toilet of SMK Raja Mahadi. Yeah, I had so much time ponteng-ing class, looking at the walls of the toilet. Got inspired by it so, decided to blog about it la. I don't know whether the guys entered the toilet and scribbled all these on the walls OR the girls have a very colourful vocab. Either way, I'm not really surprised la. I mean, it's Raja Mahadi larr. Famous for their amazing discipline and gang fights. Girls also get involved in fights. Seriously. I saw a girl fight once. Pulling hair, slapping each other, screaming like it's the end of the world. And I tell you, damn high pitched la their screams. Sharper than the trumpet's high Ti. Ish.
I wonder why all this people have to insult other people in the toilet. I mean, tak ada maruah ke? Pergi tulis in the toilet. Low standard insults. Write larr somewhere that has a little more standard. Like on tables or class walls. Or go to that person's blog and spam in the chatbox. But instead, the toilet. Aiyo. Sad case people. Lifeless pigs. The guys toilet isn't that bad. Yes, I entered and used a guy's toilet before. Actually, guys' toilet are much cleaner compared to the girls'. I wonder why. I always thought the girls are the much cleaner kind of species. I think this happens in Raja Mahadi only lerr.
Okay. I feel hungry again. I feel like eating Maggi Mee now. I guess, that's all la from me. If you still don't know who this person is, you are REALLY blur. Sad cow. =)
This is Suefyenn. =D Meeow.
Cheers, dudes and dudettes!