Monday, September 1, 2008


i am pretty sure you guys are familiar with this fella,

His name is Ronald Mcdonald, born to a pair of male circus clowns ( dun ask me how ), George Ronald and Henry Mcdonald. Due to complications and also premature birth, he ended up looking like this as a baby..

( so )

One day at the age of 18. while taking a *poop* in the toilet an idea came into his mind,
he wanted to start a small business selling meat patties on a bun.

( now u know how he got the idea while *pooping* )

And so, he followed his heart and started the meat patty on a bun business and named it
"Ronald Mcdonald*. soon after ,his business started to bloom. He was earning more in a week then he ever did performing as a circus clown in a month. And from there he extended
his business overseas. Years pass and the name Ronald Mcdonald became an international household name.


But Ronald was getting bored making Burgers everyday, and soon after he fell into deep depression. he started to think of how life would have been for him if he had become a movie star. Walking down the Red Carpet and receiving numerous Awards for his acting. He quickly fell in love with the idea and one fine morning, he decided to leave his business behind and left without telling anyone.

( once a clown, always a clown, running away with a smile on his face )


He knew he needed a new look in order to make fame in Hollywood, his clown face was to common and would certainly fail the interview for get a role in blockbuster hits. He change his image over and over yet he was still no satisfied with it. And then an idea struck his head. He took his First creation, the meat patty pose in the mirror with the meat infront of his face. He finally got the look he wanted.



( see the resemblance between the meat and the clown face ? )


And so...... A Great Actor was Born...................He named himself *McJoker* but was strongly opposed by his manager as it was a clownish he was renamed as * The Joker *..

1 comment:

Christina Kam said...

haha the mcdonald story veyr funny..esp the poop one beocme meat patty pulak..